Thursday, December 3, 2009

My inner compass is pulling a Jack Sparrow.
And I have no science with which I can point
it back in the right direction. So I sit, and wonder
what I am supposed to do with a compass
that doesn't point North. Or a tree sword
that will never do its job. And as I sit, the
squirrels run to and fro, up and down. They
hang from trees like the people in the Cirque and
collect like they have OCD. And I think about
Le Balcon and how high up it is and how pretty
Diana is tonight as she stares down at me with
her paleness. No she is no Cullen or Lestat, but
a model of Perfection that I will never compare to.

And while I stare at her I think that maybe some
unreal savior will come to my rescue if I move
closer to Her light. But then I find my feet and
see that I am Katherine Hamnet, and I am

          And the King's daughter cannot See
that I am up so high, for she is busy with
her own concerns. And this fasting makes
me weary so weary that I start to believe
that what she Sees is only an illusion. So
can't someone Bring Me To Life? I swear
if peace is as as rare as finding a four-leaf
            Won't you ask me again? Won't
you tell me that you see? I put my hopes
in those who are bound to fiddle while
I contemplate Le Balcon and just how
high I have come. But it's all my fault and
there's no going back no going forward
or sideways or any way. And as often as
you tell me not to I always will because
you're halfway across the planets with
your new companions and I'm over here
and there are no survivor from Gallifrey
that will come to my rescue, for they are
elsewhere, occupied with more important
things such as fiction and blondes and
saving the world from ultimate peril which
means that my fight with Genet's Balcon
must be fought on my own without any
help or guidance and the line between no
and yes has been blurred by Frost's
decision but I am unsure of whether he's
right or not and UGH I should just get
on with it already because no one's coming
and no one cares enough to ask except
one person and I threw that down the sink
like the idiots I hate in chick flicks and now
I'm still alone and it's my own damn fault.

0 Talking Parrots: