Wednesday, October 7, 2009

College 101

Ah, blogger. It's been so long since we've talked.

So...I'm in college now. Surprise, surprise.

I actually fell down the stairs on my first day. It hurt, too. A lot. My suitemates are awesome. So are my roomies. One of them is from my church and the other is her friend from school. Suite, eh? Haha that's punny.

Well...let's see. I'm taking Animal Science 1 and my Professor is from New Jersey. He's quite funny and a little absent-minded. He reminds me of Emma's dad, except he has more gray hair.

My math professor is difficult to understand. He's got a very thick asian accent. I think I understand him better than some, but it's still a tad difficult. And he's teaching things in completely different ways than I was taught at PHS. I still think PHS does it mo' betta.

My English professor is like David Tennant + Graber. And he's a little more flamboyant than they are. And he drops the f-bomb at least once every class. First day it was twice. Yesterday it was thrice. His hair is completely white, yet I don't think he's past his mid-40s. He's also hilarious.

And for my freshman seminar class on Dr. Strangelove and finding humor in nuclear war.....well, my professor reminds me of Ms McMillan. 'Cept the Prof's a little taller, maybe. And isn't quite as fashionable. And has hair that's a mixture of Hermione Granger + Rogue (from X-Men). But she's still funny. And I enjoy talking with her.


As for myself? Well....I didn't fall down the stairs yesterday, which was a good thing. And now I'm sick, along with half my other suitemates. I essentially don't have much of a voice. Which sucks.

And I also have to leave for my animal science class now. So...yeah. That's all for now, folks. Laters.