Monday, August 17, 2009

Summer, Or What's Left Of It

Wow. Fitz was right. It's been awhile since I've posted.

Ok. Summer. So....

I went to Denver for three weeks with my brother. Great bonding time. We're definitely a lot closer now. I'm being so serious right now. No sarcasm at all. Seriously. Got to see my aunts and cousins and uncle and grandmother. Good times. Two of my cousins are due soon. One in October. The other either two weeks before or after. Can't remember. Met a new cousin. Daughter of my cousin's girlfriend. 12 years old, I think. More like second cousin, but who's counting? I like her a lot. She's pretty cool.

My cousin has a HUGE Great Dane named Thor. Fitting name, I thought. And his sister has a English Bulldog named Malice. Name hardly fits the dog; he's a sweetie-pie.

One of the weeks in Denver I spent at church convention, which was actually really good for me. I reconnected with my faith and was able to work through some things concerning my parents. I still have a lot of anger towards both of them, however, and that will likely take years to get over. But the first step is moving out and getting on with my own life. Well, I'm not really moving out, but I'm going to college and living in a dorm this year. Maybe next year I'll be ready for the apartment.

Oh, yeah. That's right. I'm going to college. Oops. Forgot. UC Davis. At least ten to twelve hours away. And I'll be alone. Well, I'll have a roommate - two, actually. But I one to make my food for me....or pay for my gas (not that I'll need any at college this year)....or fix my car....huh....well that's about all my parents do at the moment besides pay for college....and that's only my dad....well, they do buy groceries. But that's easy. I do that on my own when I need stuff. So I guess it won't be so hard this year. What comes next year will be bills. *shudder* Ew. Bills. Gross.

And I have to get a credit card this year for emergencies. Dad said so. I don't like credit cards. I see what my mother and other irresponsible people do with them and I shudder. I don't want one. I like my cash, thankyouverymuch.

Anywho...once upon a time, I was talking about church convention. Oh, yeah. So it was great. Heard a lot of good things, had a personal visit with one of the visiting ministers that's known me since I was born, and bonded with other people. Funnily enough, it doesn't matter what field or state I'm in, I still don't find much in common with the kids my age that aren't related to me. I always tend to find more in common with people that are above a certain age. Well, the fact that I stayed in the kitchen working almost constantly probably didn't help....

Anywho, after the last day, we all went to one of my aunts' houses for pizza. My cousins Hazy and Tyler had come for that Sunday of the convention with their mom. We don't see them very often because they live in Nebraska on a ranch, which is AWESOME. I'd like to go back there some day. Anyways, after that, there were many adventures with the cousins. My brother, and two of our cousins, and I went to the midnight premiere of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. My brother went out to Lake Powell for a fishing trip. I went to the Denver Zoo and the Denver Aquarium. There was an indoor trampoline gym that we went to as well. It was tiring.

Then we came back. My brother was sad to leave. He really does dislike being at home so much that he feels more at home with my aunt and her family. That's his escape, I guess. Visiting them, being with them, etc. Oh, I rode bareback at my aunt JoAnn's house up in the mountains. Her house is shaped like golfball. I so want to buy it from her someday. It's awesome and so incredibly beautiful up there. Anyway, I rode her horse Indigo bareback down the hill to get the mail one day and got sunburned, but it was a fun experience. I nearly fell off a couple times - it's harder than I thought to stay on the horse without a saddle!

I didn't have any compulsions or depressed days up there at all. Like I said, it was healthy for me. When I got back, I completely overhauled my room and got rid of a bunch of stuff. Reorganized too. Came to the unfortunate realization that I have too many clothes. That, or I need more space to store stuff. Come to think of it, I do need a new shelf. And I could get rid of that stuffed animal thing near my second desk....

I'm sitting on Jessie's couch next to her brother. She's sitting at the computer. We're watching Spiderman. And her brother is getting on my nerves. I swear this kid is like ADD or something. He won't shut up and he thinks his comments are intelligent. Sorry Cassandra, Jessie. My patience is thin at the moment. I must be PMSing.

"Who am I? You sure you wanna know?" No, Tobey Macguire, I don't wanna know. I don't like this movie. It's a so-so on my list. I saw Julie and Julia last night. It was cute. Meryl Streep was amazing. Saw The Time Traveller's Wife today. That made me cry a the end. Anywho, kinda want to see G.I. Joe just for Chris Eccleston. Speaking of the Doctor, saw David Tennant at the Doctor Who panel at Comic-con. And can I say, "FRAKKING AWESOME."

Yes. Frak. I have delved into the world that is Battlestar Galactica. And it's also frakking awesome. Haven't finished the first season yet, as I've spent a couple weeks catching up on Angel. Didn't like the ending of the fifth season.

Now I'm bored. And tired. Think I'll zone out and just read fanfiction. And get some icons. yeah.
