Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This is Who I am: Escapist, Paradise Seeker.

Last night's sleep was not good at all. I woke up periodically all night. First, I couldn't fall asleep til like 1:30pm. Though, that was probably the coffee.

But then I woke at 4:26. Then again at 4:30. Then again at 5:30. And finally I decided that if I woke up again, I wouldn't go back to sleep. Of course the next time I woke, it was with my alarm.

But the dreams! Mmmm.

Dreamt that the world was ending (at least it seemed like it) and I was - of all things - shopping in a big city. I remember being in a group. My english professor was there with a very tall, very slim, dark-haired young woman. They were very clearly enamored with one another. The girl reminded me of Anna from V. Or, as some might know her, as Inara from Firefly. There was someone else with me. I remember that. But their face is blurry to my memory. We were walking down a sidewalk. The sun was either just beginning to rise or just beginning to set. I'm thinking the latter, because no one shops that early unless they're a ridiculously famous celebrity. And I'm certain that was not the case in my dream. So then we went into an antique store and of course no one else was there because - duh! - the world was ending. Slowly, but steadily it was ending. Isn't that how it is anyway?

Anywho, I just had to write this down before I forgot because today is going to be busy.

Meeting at Mrak at 2-5pm. Supposed to wear black, so I chose my Lip Service black pants from Hot Topic and the black Switchfoot shirt I bought at their free Del Mar concert. Paired it with a morbidly tie-dyed long-sleeved shirt to ensure that my left arm is covered at all times. Black Converse-styled flats with red stars. That's how I'm rockin' it today. And, of course, Nightwish's "Escapist" on repeat to get me into a rockin' mood.

On this day in history: November 24, 1859, Charles Darwin published his Origin of Species, a groundbreaking scientific work that made natural selection the popular theory. It also indirectly began the practice of Social Darwinism, which is one of the many banes of my existence. But that's another tale for another day. :)

Cheers, all.

Tip for today: Get a good song in your head and rock it all day long.

0 Talking Parrots: