Wednesday, November 18, 2009

And nightstand beverages stand still.

Attempt #3. This one took longer because I was distracted with a very corny movie called Bedtime Stories that my roommates were playing. I should've just stuck my headphones on and blasted some music. That usually helps.

I dreamed last night that I was walking a bridge - you know, one of those rickety wooden rope ones that hangs low over a huge never-ending abyss? Yeah. I dreamed I was walking over one of those and I took a step and the wood fell out from beneath me and I could do was hang there in the middle of the bridge. There was no one around to help pull me back up and I certainly didn't have the strength to get back on the bridge myself.

Anywho. That dream is easily interpreted.

Attempt #3. Probably shittier than the rest. If "shittier" is even a word.


And nightstand beverages stand still
And twisted sheets grow tighter
And in the air you feel a chill

And yearn to climb familiar hills
But you'll go - you're not a fighter.
And nightstand beverages stand still

Faster and faster - all downhill -
It's dangling over a lighter
And in the air you feel a chill

You'll stay with me if it's His will -
No time for one all-nighter
And nightstand beverages stand still

You hear soft rains outside the sill
You say It's getting brighter
And in the air you feel a chill

You feel it failing now (your Will)
The beating now grows slighter
And nightstand beverages stand still
My Shadow and I still feel the chill.

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