Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It's late.

I'm hungry.

I want to sleep.

I wish I could do both at the same time.





Hot Pockets sound particularly good. Possibly because Ivette had one a half hour ago and it smells like Hot Pockets.

I should be sleeping, because I have an early meeting with a prof. tomorrow morning. And I feel bad about it because I'm making him rush through traffic to get there that early, I think. So...uhh....definitely feel bad about that. I'm definitely not worth rushing through traffic.

Anywho. So....Walmart es no bueno. The assistant manager of the Poway Walmart totally humiliated my madre in front of tons of people and all she wanted to do was return a frakking camera. Stupid skinhead. He literally was like baiting her and she made a mistake and took the bait. And when the other assistant manager came over, she described the skin head assitant manager's attitude as "asshole"-esque. And the skinhead's like "If you're going to use that kind of language, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

REALLY? Dude, you probably drop the f-bomb every five seconds when you're not at work. People drop the f-bomb all the time in Walmart. Heck, I drop the f-bomb in Walmart. Not once have I ever been approached by a Walmart employee and told that I might have to leave if I decide to continue using foul language. I betcha Target would welcome the foul-mouthed customers that Walmart denies. Not that my mom is foul-mouthed. She was embarrassed about saying asshole. I wouldn't have just let that slide, though. I would've been on that guy's ass. Verbally speaking, of course. I would've been like "really? you're asking me to leave for saying the word "asshole"? How 'bout you kick out all the people that drop the f-bomb first? Why don't you go on and do that - I'll just wait here while you kick them out first. Because asshole is nowhere near as bad as the f-bomb. Oh, and by the way? Screw you. You're a d-bag and you have no customer service skills whatsoever. Go back to kindergarten and learn how to play nicely with other children."

That's my schpiel. No one disses my momma and gets away with it. Not even me. Believe me. I would know. I've tried. Don't get me wrong. I love my mom. We just don't always get along. I'm a more tactful version of her that has stronger opinions.


Yeah. Went to the UC Protest Organization Meeting on campus tonight. It was awesome. The past few weeks were totally lame and depressing, but after the meeting, I was just like....on a new high. It's like I found something to channel my problems and stress and anger into. Not that I'm going to be violent or anything. I'm only violent when I'm really mad and I'm only really mad when I'm arguing with my mom or dad or brother. Other times, I'm completely under control.

So....I'm still tired. And hungry. Ew, I have to wake up early tomorrow. Today. In seven hours. Ew.

Cassandra? I did that thing again. Same way I did it last time. And now I feel stupid about doing it. Anywho.

And little bro? You're the one I'm thinking about when I'm at the protest meetings.

That's all for now. Cheers.

1 Talking Parrots:

Deana said...

What are your protest meeting things for???