Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I just learned that another of my friends has cancer.

Is there a reason that the people that know me best are slowly being taken from me? My best friend ever moved. Now one of my other best friends has cancer. Terminal cancer. If cancer were a person, I would have taken it out by now.

And now everyone's on my back for a different reason and you know...it's getting really tiresome to deal with it all. I just kinda want to run....

I feel like Buffy when she came back to Sunnydale. No one saw the bigger picture in her case. Well you know what, Mom? You NEVER see the bigger picture. You only see YOURS. That's all anyone sees. No one looks around to see that there's a bigger picture and more going on than what they see.

3 Talking Parrots:

Deana said...

Hey I didn't know you had a blog lol. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I'm sure things will get better for you.

Big MT said...

You're forgetting something.

We're still here.

No matter how much one of us might fuck things up to the point of no return, we're still here.

The best I can do for you is to give you my deepest, deepest apologies about your friend, and everything else, but know that just because one person leaves, doesn't mean that your life is over. Things happen for a reason, whether it's to open up new oppurtunities, whatever it might be. I know it's probably hard to do, but just remember that, alright?

And remember, I'm always around, an email, phone call, IM, whatever, away, if you need somebody.

Cassandra said...

Oh, dear.

I... don't know what to say. I could say things will get better--which they will--but I know you probably don't want to hear that right now. I could offer my condolences to your friend--which I do--but I also want to say you're not alone in all this. I promise. Hit me up on the phone or email or stalkerbook or IM if ever you need to just rant, all right?

Be well, my dear. <3